“Petrov Technology” EOOD with International REST award

“Petrov Technology” EOOD with International REST award

“Petrov Technology” EOOD received The International REST award for contribution to the integration of refugees and migrants on the Bulgarian labor market. Such an award was awarded to company “Prolet” EOOD too.

The award is awarded by the representative of The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and KATRO Bulgaria and part of a major European project to provide refugees and migrants with access to local labor markets.

The award is not so much for quantity but for quality. First of all, “Petrov TechnoLogy” EOOD employees’ attitude towards the inclusion of colleagues from other nationalities was taken into account.

„Manager for one day“

„Manager for one day“

On October 30, two students joined Junior Achievement Bulgaria’s “Manager for one day” initiative, sitting on the chair of the Economics Director of the company. The idea of the event is for young people to spend one business day and professional orientation in their future.At the beginning of the day Mr. Bogdan Vasilev – Economic Director of Petrov Technology EOOD introduced them to the company’s activity, structure and history. The students looked at the production and gained insight into the business.For the fnal of the working day, Mr. Vasilev handed the students certifcates for their participation in the career forum and advised them:”To be successful, the manager must know well the activities and processes of the business to manage.”



“Petrov Technology” successfully completed Europroject “Improving the working conditions and safety of the employees of “Petrov Technology”EOOD under the Operational Program “Human Resources Development”.

The company managed to:

  • provide employees with new personal protective equipment and specialized workwear and shoes, according to the health risks for each job;
  • secure social benefits for employees and workers. In the form of place for short-term rest and relaxation, fully equipped dining, refurbished dressing rooms and bathrooms, new fitness halls equipped with modern fitness equipment, paths and tennis tables;
  • provide collective protective equipment, including upgrading and securing existing sites;
  • improve the microclimate in the enterprise;
  • has implemented BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 (Ocupational Health and Safety System) safety standards.

Implementation of the activities to achieve the objectives, has led to a significant improvement in working conditions and minimized risk during production processes. The work environment in the enterprise has been greatly improved by ensuring good and safe working conditions as well as the professional and health status of the employees of Petrov Technology EOOD.

Registration number BG05M9OP001-1.008-0991-C01
Start date: 07.06.2017
Date of completion: 07.06.2018